Monday, September 15, 2008

Ella Koon

Ella Koon is a singer, and . She was born in Tahiti, French Polynesia, and was raised in Hong Kong, where she is currently based.


After finishing high school in Birmingham, England, she began her career as a model in 2000, and appeared in the movie ''''. In 2004, she started her singing career and released her debut album ''Original''. Her second album, ''Ellacadabra'', was released in late 2005.

In mid-2005, Koon starred in the TVB's series ''Revolving Doors of Vengeance'' , making her a well-known actress as well. She starred in Survivor's Law II in 2007.

Sexual assault

On October 6, 2006, while attending a Moon Festival party, a man who was invited onto the stage grabbed Koon's neck and tried to kiss her. Immediately security wrestled to remove the man from Koon and ejected him from the premises. Red markings were very visible on Ella's neck. The man in question was convicted of assault and sentenced to two months in prison.


* ''''
* ''Ellacadabra''
* ''''


* ''''
* ''My Sweetie''
* ''Medical Detectives''
* ''Drink, Drank, Drunk''
* ''The Shopaholics''
* ''Without Words''
* ''Undercover Hidden Dragon''
* ''Muddy but Pure White''
* ''Playboy Cop''


* ''Revolving Doors of Vengeance''
* ''The Dream of Red Chamber
* ''Survivor's Law II''
* ''Dressage of Win'' Guest appearance

1 comment:

DarKScoRpioN said...

Ella Koon is definately one of my favorite HK actresses. Love to see her playing the Guitar and seeing that smile of hers. Check out some beautiful scans of Ella Koon.